Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Graphic Novel Challenge: The Plot-The Secret of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

I chose Will Eisner's The Plot: The Secret of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as my third graphic novel for my graphic novel challenge. I am a huge fan of Eisner and found that I had read all of his other works that are in the 500 Essential Graphic Novels. However, I felt that this work did not hold up to his others.

In this graphic novel, Eisner presents the history of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" including how it was created as a forgery and was proven to be so on numerous occasions (even in court). However, people have used the Protocol throughout history as "proof" that Jews want to take over the world. In fact, Eisner even sites instances today in which the Protocol has been used as a way to rationalize their hatred for the Jews.

Unlike other works by Eisner, there are few characters in this book. In fact, the only "character" that exists throughout the novel is the Protocol itself and its development over the centuries. In a way, it has had its own circle of life similar to that of a human character. Eisner explores the Protocols birth, rise to fame, its trial, and eventual use throughout the world. Eisner even sketches himself into the novel as a researcher looking to write a book about the protocols. I really liked that he used this technique because it showed his own involvement in the history of the Protocol.

Although this graphic novel is extremely informative, I didn't find it as moving as the majority of Eisner's other works. For the majority of the story, I felt that it was more of a graphic history book than a novel. It also makes me wonder why this book was chosen in the 500 and other works of his were not because I find that this is not his best work. Still, Eisner always holds a spot in my heart.


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