Monday, August 8, 2011

Book Review: Evelyn Evelyn

This graphic novel is exceptional! It is dark with some really dark humor, which is right up my alley. The illustrations are absolutely gorgeous and like something I have never seen before in a graphic novel. The story is sad but beautiful. It’s certainly not for the faint of heart but those who have a macabre side will relish this kind of story.

The story follows a pair of twins who are inseparable, literally. They are conjoined twins that share “three legs, two arms, two hearts, three lungs and a single liver”. Their mother was in so much pain during childbirth that she was brought to the nearest doctor who was not actually a doctor at all. When the twins were born, the “doctor” saw that they were joined and grabbed a a chainsaw to cut them. In mid swing, the doctor was shot by the local sheriff and died immediately. Unfortunately, the chainsaw flew out of his hand and killed the twins’ father. And so begins the twins’ journey through various homes ranging from a chicken farm to a whore house to the circus. Sadly, they are never accepted and are forever met with anger, fear, and violence. Still, they always have each other and their dream that they will one day find their way.

I can’t express how much I enjoyed this book. The story is certainly sad but this should not deter readers because there is beauty in the tale. The art is absolutely fantastic and riveting. The author also makes from interesting and at times humorous comments on today’s society and pop culture. It is for this reason that the novel has some levity and I did not come away from it feeling depressed. I will certainly reread it over and over again and drop not so subtle hints to my friends that they must get themselves a copy!!


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