Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Book Review: Beyond Rain of Gold

There is no denying that Victor Villasenor is a fantastic writer. He has two Pulitzer Prize nominations to prove it! That is why I was thrilled when his new book came out this year. The synopsis stated that it would discuss spirituality as well as Villasenor's (always interesting) family, two topics that he has explored before and excelled at portraying. Unfortunately, this does not live up to his other works...not even close!

The majority of the book focuses on Villasenor's difficulty in getting "Rain of Gold" published as nonfiction instead of fiction, as the publisher had wanted. The first part focuses on his father and the differing opinions that people had of his father. While Villasenor saw him as a smart but sometimes brutal man, his friends viewed him as a saint or king. It is not until Villasenor is contacted by his father from the other side to offer help and guidance that Villasenor begins to believe his father may have been a saint.

Perhaps, Villasenor meant this work to stand as a tribute to his father. However, it does not do so as the majority of the book is taken up with Villasenor's complaints about the publishing of "Rain of Gold" and the personal struggles that he had to endure in order to ensure it was published the way he wanted. It is only when his father helps Villasenor with said publishing that he believes in the power of the other side and the kindness of his father. The last 100 pages or so did focus a bit more on spirituality, but I had already slugged through over 200 pages and was no longer interested in Villasenor's spiritual awakening.

For avid fans of Villasenor's work, this may be a book for your collection. Unfortunately, it did not strike my fancy.

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