Monday, February 14, 2011

Now on DVD: Exit Through the Gift Shop

I took a chance on this documentary because both Entertainment Weekly and Netflix recommended it though there was little explanation as to what it is about besides that everyone should see it. After viewing this documentary twice I have to agree, everyone must see this film!

I will try to explain what it is about without giving too much of its intrigue away. Basically, the film starts as a documentary of street art in LA in recent years and the man who filmed it: Thierry Guetta. To say that Guetta is an avid amateur videographer, is a gross understatement. Guetta filmed every waking minute of his life, so when he became interested in street art...her filmed every second of that! Through his obsession, he was able to meet famous street artists including Space Invader, Shepard Fairey and eventually Banksy (the director of Exit Through the Gift Shop). Banksy takes Guetta under his wing and shows Guetta the secret ways of the street artist. Eventually, Guetta is asked what he is doing with all of the film he takes to which he responds that he is making a documentary on street art. It is when Guetta must actually make a documentary that Exit Through the Gift Shop takes an interesting path (I won't spoil it for you here).

There are so many intriguing aspects about this film but I think the most interesting is the current controversy that this entire documentary is just another one of Banksy's pranks. A prank that got him an Oscar nomination...I am not sure if I believe this is not but you don't need to choose a side in order to enjoy this thrilling documentary. It is beautiful in its presentation of street art and its artists. Additionally, it makes the viewer continue to think long after the movie has been taken out of the DVD player.


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